Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Our Favorite Mason Jar DIYs

It seems like you can't avoid Mason Jar DIYs these days, but we're not upset about it! It's a great chance to reuse old mason jars and give them a new life and a new place in your home! So, today we've rounded up a few of our favorites to share with you!

"Redneck" Wine Glass
 These fun wine glasses will have your guest laughing and impressed! Plus- it's great for drinking in a carpeted area, as it has a lid!

Bathroom organizer
 When looking at this chic bathroom organizer, it's hard to believe how easy it is to make yourself! A fun and easy way to keep your bathroom necessities in order!

Candle Holder
These candleholders look like you could have picked them up at the pottery barn, but cleaning out your old mason jars is much cheaper! These could definitely make a nice centerpiece or mantel piece!

 A great rainy day project for your inner gardner, or perhaps for the little gardner you know, these terrariums are sure to give you a necessary dose of green, especially during the winter months.

Stylish Decorated Jars
 While the tutorial calls them votive jars, we can't see why you couldn't do this for any size mason jar and use them for a variety of things, from candle holders to pencil holders!

Solar Panel Light
 These solar jars are especially popular, and you can buy them from many different stores. However, these DIY ones cost $6, and the pre-made ones cost much more! Great addition for your deck or patio parties!

Simple Chandelier
 This fun chandelier can add original flair to any room. Wouldn't this look great over a bar/island in the kitchen?

Indoor Wall Planter
 This planter is great. We would love to use it as an herb garden and put it in the kitchen, so fresh herbs are literally a few steps away.

Succulent Planter
Succulents are rather easy to care for, and now it's easy to find your new succulent's new home! Just take an old mason jar you aren't using, layer rocks or polished stones, and then put your succulent on top!

Oil Lamp
These are great for outdoor parties. If you added a few of the right oils, these could also be an insect repellant! You could dress up the jars with food colors or some heavy thread patterns tied around the jar. The possibilities are endless!

These are just a few of our favorites- what are yours? Share them in the comments!

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