Monday, August 27, 2012

Featured Article: E-Waste Recycling Program Employs Disabled Americans

This featured article is a little bit different. While we usually cover some new, interesting, or odd green product, this week is about an organization that's working to care for E-Waste in the country and to employ disabled Americans.

The Arc is an advocacy association for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They are now working to support E-Waste programs across the U.S. and hoping that their work will create a more competitive job market for the disabled while also creating a greener earth. The group received a grant from the Walmart Foundation that is helping them to fund these E-Waste programs.

With the economy still on the rebound, these E-Waste centers will now be able to create jobs and help their communities to keep additional E-Waste from disreputable disposal methods. Often times even E-Waste that is supposed to be recycled ends up in Landfills or sold overseas.

These E-Waste materials can and are being reused. The article quotes the EPA, saying that one million recycled desktop computers can prevent the release of greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of 16,000 passenger cars annually. Hopefully this funding will lead to greater E-Waste recycling as well as more competitive employment for Americans with disabilities.

Read the original article here.

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